About us

Our story

Our CEO Vlad Koval first encountered grants in 2014. It was then that he spent six months in the EU on a student exchange program with reimbursement and a scholarship of 700 euros per month. Comparing with the Ukrainian scholarship – it was heavenly life)
CBDO Olga Khvaligina at this time also opened up grant opportunities by taking a grant project manager course and receiving an IPMA level and a certificate of expertise. This was followed by successful freelance grants for small businesses from the UNDP and IOM Funds. However, ordinary entrepreneurs did not really want to change anything and fool around for small grants in the amount of 100-300 thousand UAH

The development of this area continued after Vlad moved from an investment fund to his IT startup.

Our team



Borys Hlazman

COO Project

Viktoria Bulyha

Grant Manager

Olga Khvaligina


Ivan Pronchenkov

Product Manager

Elena Gulieva

Project Manager