Startup business model

Lean Canvas is a template for creating a business model consisting of 9 blocks.

  • The template is created for 1 market segment
  • Creation is collective / individual
  • Canvas is changed frequently, so you should make changes every 3 months
  • 1a - Customer segment

    Who is your target buyer?

  • 1b - Problem

    What are the three main problems you are trying to solve?

  • 2 - Value proposition

    One clear suggestion as to why your decision is worth buying and how it differs from your competitors.

  • 3 - Solutions

    Three main features of your product that will solve the problem (s)

  • 4 - Channels

    The path to customers – how are you going to address your customers? Remember to indicate: how you plan to raise awareness; how you evaluate your own product; purchase and delivery process; after-sales customer support.

  • 5a - Cost structure

    What are all the costs of production, marketing and delivery of your product? Do not forget to specify: the cost of attracting a client; the cost of distribution; hosting; hiring people, training, payment.

  • 5b - Revenue structure

    Where does the money come from? Think about: Income model; lifelong value of your product; income; your margin.

  • 6 - Key indicators

    How do you assess your success? What key activities would you measure? Mention only 1-2 here

  • 7 - Unfair advantage

    Why can’t competitors buy or copy you?
